Monday 29 March 2021

My helpful tip


This is my helpful tip for your computer and it just may save your life

Thursday 25 March 2021


 The sun shone brightly on my jacket. We walked all the way out to the front of the school. We lounged down on gravel which hurt my buttox and I was squished between Pōtiki and Beatrice. Miss Jago told us to write down everything that we saw, heard, felt, Smelt and thought. 

Minutes after a car pulled up by the crossing and a guy with the policeman outfit walked out of his car and knocked on a door with no response. He left and then I could hear a stampede of feet coming through which gave me a big fright. The ran round the corner and I almost died because of how scared I got 😂

Many cars passed, bikers and lots of chirping birds. I could hear cars going past. Lots of people chatting and 2 quiet dogs barking. Weirdly I could smell salt and lynx very weird isn’t it? The air was changing humidity from hot to cold. After we had brainstormed we went back inside.



Overview | Sun – NASA Solar System Exploration

Motivational Videos


This is some motivational videos that have sayings to help when your in need. Hope this helps

Tuesday 16 March 2021



This is my Famous singers slide. Me and Nevaeh have made lots of slides about singers and our favourite singers. If you have a singer you would like us to do then comment down below!

Thursday 11 March 2021



This is my discovering wind slide. This is all about wind as you can tell. I hope you have learnt something awesome tell me something you know about wind.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Royal Flush

Whaea told ATN to take our jackets and jerseys off. She told us to go line up outside, when she came outside she was holding a deck off cards in her hand. We walked to the courts, we were all clueless on what we were doing. We were playing a game called Royal Flush. Whaea split us up in to four teams. I was with Potiki, Tara, Andrew and Turongo. Whaea told each group what suit they were, my group was Diamonds. Whaea said go and we had to run to the middle and line up, wait for our card then we would be given a card and if it was our suit we would take it till we got the whole set but if it wasn’t then we would give it back and another team member would run. It was really fun and I definitely want to play it again!

Ruby Programming Tutorial - Lesson 23 - Creating Deck of Cards :) — Steemit

Friday 5 March 2021

Netflix and disney


This is my netflix and disney plus slide I made with Nevaeh. We have answered most of the questions you could ask. If you have any questions comment and I will answer them.

Have a good day goodbye