Tuesday 26 October 2021

language of chance

This is my language of chance it explains everything in the slide

What language of chance could you use for this question?
what is the chance of it raining

Friday 22 October 2021



Hey, This is my probability activity I did. We were given 8 stars and 8 question. We placed the stars wherever we thought they should go. I am going to post what the language of chance means soon.

Do you know the language of chance?

Wednesday 22 September 2021



Hello this is my tract for this week. Im doing the magical healing powers of herbs. This is one of my tasks for it. I have listed 5 different things about herbs. If you haven't seen my last post, Tract is a website that has a variety of missions and tasks to do about basically whatever you want. CLICK HERE for the link to tract and give it a try.

What's your favourite thing about tract if you tried it?

Wednesday 15 September 2021


 This is my Tract for week 8. Tract is a website with lots of people on it. You join a path and do lots of stuff, baking, drawing,sports and loads of other things. CLICK HERE for the link to start tract it's a great website. I did candy pop art. I drew a picture of google and put vivid over top and highlighted. Hope you like it

Whats your favourite lollie?

Novel study Week 8


This is my Novel study for week 8. I have listed an inference that I found in the story. I have done my spelling which was to choose a 9 letter word from the story and make as much words as I could. Then I did my research project on cats.

Do you have a cat?

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Get creative


My teacher gave us a lot of options for get creative this week. I chose to do colour push, It’s a website that you push your cursor in random places on the screen and make cool art with it. I have made quite a lot of them and have showed them on my slide. You have 90 seconds to make a cool piece of artwork and 6 different types of ways. Click here for the link for colour push. 

If you tried colour push what do you think about it?

Monday 6 September 2021



This is my equivalent fractions slide. I had to do 3 questions on equivalent fractions. I have tried teaching you all about equivalent fractions but I don't know if you will learn anything. Hopefully you do

Do you know what equivalent fractions are ?

Wednesday 1 September 2021



This is my week 6 maths statistical investigation. As you know some of New Zealand is at level 3 but that still means staying home. I sent out a google form not many people replyed but I worked with what I had. I asked everyone what there favourite colour is. I also added in the Median,Mode,Mean and Range.

What's your favourite colour?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Maths statistical investigation


In lockdown I sent out a statistical investagation to the 24 kids in my class (I only got 14 responses) I did it anyways. I have listed different flavours of ice cream. I have calculated all my information and put it on a slide. Enjoy.

What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

Wednesday 18 August 2021



As you know in class I have been reading a book called call of the wild. I've been doing a lot of research around dogs. I researched the top 5 fighting dogs. As you know all of New Zealand is in level 4 corona! I didn't even know we had to have a google meet because I didn't check my emails. But I hope you like this post. Have fun in covid!

Do you know or have one of these dog breeds I have listed??

Thursday 12 August 2021



This is my dogs slide. We have been reading call of the wild and I have listed the dog breeds in the story. Japanese pug, St bernards, Hairless mexican dog and a scotch shepard. What's your favourite dog breed I have listed?

Monday 9 August 2021

roller coasters

This is my research chart project for this week. I have listed the top 10 scariest roller coasters. I have listed a little paragraph of information for each roller coasters. I hope you enjoy. If you had to what roller coaster would you go on ?

Tuesday 3 August 2021



My reading group has been reading call of the wild. We have come across an idea that it may be placed in Alaska. Me and Nevaeh L did a all about Alaska slide. What did you learn about this?

Tuesday 6 July 2021



Last week and this week my class (ATN) have been learning and focusing on angles. We were in pairs and had to go around the school and find the different angles. Me and Potiki have displayed all the angles we found around the school on this slideshow. What do you know about angles?

Hope you enjoy

Friday 2 July 2021


 Our class has been learning about rockets this term we have been doing lots of testing. My group was Summer,Zoe,Chloe,Tara,Danielle and Nevaeh. Today we did our rocket launching, we have been doing rockets for a while. Today we did our final rocket testing. Our rockets were made out of plastic bottles, ice cream containers and many other things. Our testing one was alright which had 100 ml and 60 psi. That worked alright but we ended up doing 200 ml and 60 psi which worked great and we did it today but miss wasn’t recording it went so high but she didn’t record. Our next one we saw another group do 50 psi and 200 ml we tried it but it didn’t go high at all. I was very happy with out rocket turnout. 

Maybe you could do rockets at your school, What would you use for your rocket?

Tuesday 29 June 2021


Hey guys I made a crossword about clothes. Things you wear on your feet, legs +etc. Click here to try my crossword out tell me in the comments how you went! Maybe you should make a crossword. Have you ever done a crossword before?

Print out and complete: the Observer giant Christmas crossword | Crosswords  | The Guardian

( don't worry mine isn't that big )

Thursday 17 June 2021

Pick a path

Hey blog viewers,
This is my pick a path about the powerpuff girls in candyland. If you want you can do it, i think it's pretty fun. If you were to make a pick a path who about and where?

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Research chart #3

This is my 3rd research chart. I chose to do mine on animal habitats. We had to find out 5 animals that Live in freshwater, Animals that live on a mountain, what animals live in a forest and what animals live on a desert. What's your favourite animal out of these ones I have listed?

Friday 11 June 2021



This is my youtube channel that me and Nevaeh have been working on for the past 2 or 3 weeks. You should totally give us a like and subscribe.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

5 ways of well being.


This is 5 ways of well being. Connect with the people around you, Keep learning learn something new, Be active physical activity, Take notice and be aware of the world around you and Give and see yours happiness. I learnt lots about 5 ways of well being and it connected me a lot with things around me and what I like doing. What do you like doing? Who are you connected to? 

Maybe make a slide like I did and show your 5 ways of well being

Friday 4 June 2021

Maths Times Tables Challenge

 Whaea Alison said we needed to practice times table but in a really fun way. It would be boring writing it in our book. We needed to be creative and fun but learn at the same time. After doing this I feel more confident with my 8 times tables. What times tables do you need to learn?

by Bijou and Nevaeh

Tuesday 1 June 2021

research project

hey guys this is my research project on different animal categories. Monotremes, Masupials, Reptiles, Amphibians and Mammals. I hope you like it. Byee

Monday 24 May 2021



This is my Volleyball olympics research card. It has 5 facts about the volleyball in the olympics. If you have anymore questions about volleyball comment down below and I will hopefully be able to tell you.

Wednesday 19 May 2021



Hey guys this is my slideshow that I worked on for my rocket information report. If you want to know anymore facts about rockets then comment down below. 


Thursday 13 May 2021

Pink shirt day poster


pink shirt day poster
this week i created a pink shirt day/anti bullying poster. May 21st is pink shirt day at Otaki college if you go to my school come along in something pink!

Wednesday 7 April 2021



Hurricanes are a large rotating storm with high speed winds that form over warm waters in tropical areas. Hurricanes have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour and an area of low air pressure in the centre called the eye.

Here are some facts about Hurricanes. Hurricanes are giant tropical storms that produce heavy rainfall and super strong winds. Most hurricanes occur harmlessly out at sea. However, when they move towards land they can be  incredibly dangerous and cause serious damage. The strong spiraling winds of a hurricane can reach up to speeds of up to 320 km per hour , strong enough to rip up entire trees and buildings. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters near the equator. The warm, moist air above the ocean waters near the equator. The warm, moist air above the ocean surfaces rises, causing air from surrounding areas to be “sucked” in. This “new” air then becomes warm and moist and rises, too, beginning a continuous cycle that forms clouds. The clouds then rotate with the spin of the earth. If there is enough warm water to feed the storm, a hurricane forms.

Hurricane Wilma is the strongest known hurricane at the moment,in the atlantic. Reaching an intensity of 882 m bar in October 2005. These are the top five deadliest hurricanes ever recorded. 1 Cheniere caminada, 2 Sea islands Hurricane, 3 Hurricane Katrina, 4 Okeechobee hurricane and 5 Hurricane Maria. Hurricane Katrina caused the most damage in 2005 which cost 160 billion dollars to replace things that were wrecked. Not in the top 5 but equally devastating was Hurricane Mitch, It caused 11,374 deaths which is the most deaths any Hurricane has recorded. The weirdest hurricane names are Isaias,Beulah,Flora,FiFi,Hilda,Hortense,Zhorzh,Cristobal,Bertha and Gonzalo.

The worst Hurricane recorded was Galveston on which lasted from the 27th of August 1900 to 15th of September 1900!! The Hurricane that was recorded least harmful was tropical storm Marco which lasted from 20th of August 2020 to 26th of August 2020.

How can you survive a Hurricane ?

Stay inside and keep away from all windows,skylights and glass doors. Go to a safe area such as a interior room, closet or downstairs bathroom. Never go to outside the protection of your home or shelter before there is a confirmation that the storm has passed you area.

How is a Hurricane Created?

Hurricanes only form over really warm ocean water of 80f/26d or warmer. The atmosphere (the air) must cool off very quickly the higher you go. Also, the wind must be blowing in the same direction and at the same speed to force air upward from the ocean surface. Winds flow outward above the storm allowing the air below to rise. Hurricanes typically form between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator. The Coriolis force is needed to create the spin in the hurricane and it becomes too weak near the equator so Hurricanes can never form there.

I hope you learnt something. If you have any questions comment them below.

Hurricanes | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Monday 29 March 2021

My helpful tip


This is my helpful tip for your computer and it just may save your life

Thursday 25 March 2021


 The sun shone brightly on my jacket. We walked all the way out to the front of the school. We lounged down on gravel which hurt my buttox and I was squished between Pōtiki and Beatrice. Miss Jago told us to write down everything that we saw, heard, felt, Smelt and thought. 

Minutes after a car pulled up by the crossing and a guy with the policeman outfit walked out of his car and knocked on a door with no response. He left and then I could hear a stampede of feet coming through which gave me a big fright. The ran round the corner and I almost died because of how scared I got 😂

Many cars passed, bikers and lots of chirping birds. I could hear cars going past. Lots of people chatting and 2 quiet dogs barking. Weirdly I could smell salt and lynx very weird isn’t it? The air was changing humidity from hot to cold. After we had brainstormed we went back inside.



Overview | Sun – NASA Solar System Exploration

Motivational Videos


This is some motivational videos that have sayings to help when your in need. Hope this helps

Tuesday 16 March 2021



This is my Famous singers slide. Me and Nevaeh have made lots of slides about singers and our favourite singers. If you have a singer you would like us to do then comment down below!

Thursday 11 March 2021



This is my discovering wind slide. This is all about wind as you can tell. I hope you have learnt something awesome tell me something you know about wind.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Royal Flush

Whaea told ATN to take our jackets and jerseys off. She told us to go line up outside, when she came outside she was holding a deck off cards in her hand. We walked to the courts, we were all clueless on what we were doing. We were playing a game called Royal Flush. Whaea split us up in to four teams. I was with Potiki, Tara, Andrew and Turongo. Whaea told each group what suit they were, my group was Diamonds. Whaea said go and we had to run to the middle and line up, wait for our card then we would be given a card and if it was our suit we would take it till we got the whole set but if it wasn’t then we would give it back and another team member would run. It was really fun and I definitely want to play it again!

Ruby Programming Tutorial - Lesson 23 - Creating Deck of Cards :) — Steemit

Friday 5 March 2021

Netflix and disney


This is my netflix and disney plus slide I made with Nevaeh. We have answered most of the questions you could ask. If you have any questions comment and I will answer them.

Have a good day goodbye

Wednesday 24 February 2021